Friday, April 11, 2008

PHILIPPINE Asplenium species

ASP001: This is a sample of grown from sporing.
ASP002: A multi-crested leaf formation -

ASP003: They come with different leaf forms - and around the Philippines, most collectors have given them names for reference. Like shown above, they refer to this as "lasagna fern", but in some parts of the Philippines they also call some ferns as lasagna simply because of its leaves. But most varies accordingly in shape and growing form. ASP004: Another "lasagna form" from the "siver wings" series - a local asplenium species found locally in Davao. Silver like leaves hence the name "Silver Wings Fern".

This is a sample of the variegated form with a split froming leaves -

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So pretty!!!!!
if you want to sale,please contact me.